"Life without a friend is like death without a witness."
- Spanish Proverb
2010년 12월 28일 화요일
What do traders and NGO’S do for these cultures?
People all around the world want to help remote cultures to realize the awakening of the modern world. Most certainly, NGOs also want to help economically and the psychically well- being of a less fortunate person. However, we need to realize that the Sawi culture is not an uncivilized culture at all. For thousands of generation, the Sawi culture passed down their tradition. Even if we don't see the culture as a "civilized" culture, the culture itself see otherwise. Who are we to judge other cultures? Currently, many NGOs are trying to expose the reality of modern culture to these remote cultures. Obviously, some of them reject such reality and does not want to change. However, we cannot deny the positive things that NGOs do for remote cultures. A lot of cultures like the Sawi cultures lack adequate amount of necessities such as water, food, and medical needs are being met. For example, such organization like the Doctors without Borders help remote cultures on medical issues. Most culture like the Sawi culture lack these medical equipment, and statistic shows that many people who live in these culture live up to an age of 30. UNICEF, a well - known organization, helps to ensure humanitarian needs are met. Many of these cultures lack water, especially in countries where it is dry and humid. Also, the fact that many children are not meeting the minimum required weight for their age proves that children lack the adequate amount of food for them. That is why UNICEF tries to target these cultures, and send in supplies for such needs.
Another prominent problem for cultures like the Sawi culture is that their culture is being erased. The increase amount of globalization increases the risk of endangered cultures. That is why the Cross Cultural Solution focuses on reserving cultures such as the Sawi culture. It is important for us to remember and respect a way of living certain people live. NGOs and traders definitely help cultures in certain needs.
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