2010년 12월 30일 목요일

How different is your modern culture from the Sawi tenants?

    The difference between the modern culture and the Sawi culture is very evident.   However, there is a great amount of similarities that the modern culture, and the Sawi culture.  At first glance, people may think that we are far more civilized.  It seems like we have medicine, technology, resources, a better culture than general.  But who are we to judge?

    In our modern world, science and technology has lead to a tremendous advance in societies.  Developed nation around the world uses technologies such as phone, cars, computers, etc.  We are in a Global Age where information can be passed around easily, especially with the development of the internet.  Also, modern culture is partly made up with the culture that the media tells us to do.  For example, we see ads everyday that tell us to be skinny.  The media tells us many things that many question our morals.  However, when this media enforces such messages, in time will these things be part of modern culture.
    In the Sawi culture, it is evident that people are happy.  Over thousands of generations, the Sawi culture had little change in their culture.  Even in this time of globalization, the Sawi culture preserves the culture that they have.  The Sawi culture separates job for different people, and everybody works together to make a living.  For the Sawi people, they say that they are civilized; however, developed nations look at them as to seem that the Sawi culture is a uncivilized culture.
    In terms of happiness, and the way things are going, modern culture and the Sawi tenants are not that different.  The only thing that is different in their way of living is the method that is used for their living.  The human nature of these two cultures are definitely the same.  We live in a culture where we say treachery is not a good thing, yet we and our cultures do.  Media promoting sex, drugs, violence and the Sawi culture's "fattening for friendship" is not difference at all.  Through this view point, I believe that our modern culture is not that different from the Sawi's culture.  After all, we are all human.  

댓글 1개:

  1. Ezra please change the language settings on your blog to English.
    Your post shows insight.
